“Life is such an amazing journey, Enjoy the sights and grow from what you see.”
A mindful moment is that time that helps to reset, ground, and opens up your avenues of creativity. Taking a moment each day to regenerate is a large part of health. We all get caught up in our day, I call it the hamster wheel of life, where each day has a specific pattern of actions, simply to get through the day. We do this over and over, and that becomes our norm, but guess what, you can change that pattern any time you want. It may take a bit of effort, but that effort is so well worth the benefits of creating new, and healthier habits.
To reset both your mind and body is about taking a time-out in each day to stretch, meditate, or placing yourself into something that forces you to clear the mind, and simply STOP.
According to the Urban Dictionary, Zen is a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind.
Zen has no time constrictions. Creating mindful moments, that you truly enjoy doing, in your day for 5 minutes or more is the key. In my book SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and Happiness, I speak about relaxation rituals. This is about creating a list of the things you love to do, that can take you out of your day, even for a moment.

I work with clients to create a notebook, on each page you write down one thing you love to do. Then, when you have a moment, or better yet, you create a moment for yourself, you simply open the book to a random page and do whatever the page says, for whatever time you have available.
“There was a time in my life that I could not imagine myself reading a book for less than a full chapter, now five or ten minutes works because it helps to reset my mind, and take me out of the present moment.”
Creating mindful moments that you can incorporate into your day will amplify your ability to reduce stress and clear the chatter of your mind.
Resetting your life is about adding in something for YOU every day, bringing in the zen so that you can look at the day with FRESH EYES. When I teach about health, as many of you have heard before, I teach about exercise, nutrition, sleep, and happiness. In that sleep category comes rest and relaxation, which includes your Zen and mindfulness.
Now, it’s time to make it happen, what are you going to do for yourself today?
With Love and Light,
PS – SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and Happiness – Have you purchased my book yet. I wrote it with so much love for all of my multi-tasking, crazy friends that need a bit more self care in their lives. I wrote it with super easy techniques to bring in exercise, great food, relaxation, and even a few giggles into your day to day. If not for you, maybe for a friend or relative.
Don’t forget to SHARE this with all your peeps, we need to spread the love. Thank You!
©Copyright 2023, Adita Lang. Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition. She is available for Coaching and Public Speaking.
For questions or booking, please email her at info@AditaLang.com.
For recipes, lifestyle tips, and more visit her at www.AditaLang.com.
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