Reversing the Junk Food Woes
The hardest thing of all is to backtrack on the nutrition of your children. If they have already mastered the art of junk food and it seems almost impossible to take it away, take a deep breath, and take it one step at a time.Here...
It’s Moms Turn – Turn Stress into a Positive!
Let’s face it, a Moms day never ends so inadvertently we gravitate towards foods that will keep us going for hours.The typical mom starts her day with a cup of coffee with milk and sugar, a piece of toast or a bagel with cream cheese.Throughout...
Holidays and Birthday Parties
Its that time of the year with holiday parties going strong, not to mention all the birthdays throughout the year. You want to keep your child on a healthy path but at the same time you really don’t want to be one of those parents...
Quinoa, one of Natures good Guys!
In your quest to provide your kids with some amazing foods, here’s one that most people either don’t know about or forget about all together. Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah), this seed originated in South America and is one of the few grains that is a complete...
What is your Chemical Load?
Our Bodies are so amazing! They can do anything, and they are designed to do so many other things that we don’t even recognize.For one, did you know that our bodies can store anything in our fat cells, including toxins? Basically, when we ingest or...
Trick or Treat, Whats Good to Eat?
Halloween is just around the corner and with that comes an array of candy and sugar “highs.” We have created a marketing icon for the candy industry and our children are sucked right into it. Most of the packaged candies are made with Corn Syrup...
Chia Pet??
Ok, all kidding aside, do you remember the Chia Pet from long ago? Well, Chia seeds are on the top of my Super Foods list. They contain 5 times more calcium than milk, more Omega-3 essential fatty acids than flax seeds or salmon, a wide...