Health is composed of so much more than exercise and nutrition. Health is a state of mind, an attitude, and consists of a few great habits that will keep you going strong. As I delve into everything healthy, and coach my clients to success, there are five things that seem to always surface:
1. Cell phones
I realize we all have a phone, and it’s part of our day-to-day, but it doesn’t have to be part of our sleep as well. Keep it far from your bed! The rays that travel through space and time do not need to be present while you sleep. Actually, several studies correlate mind fog and learning challenges with cell phones right next to the bed. Think of it, 8 hours or so with this stuff whirling all around you can bring in some unneeded energy in the middle of the night. Opt for a good night’s sleep, and leave it in another room.
2. Clean out your pantry every year for a healthy kitchen
However strange this may sound, intentionally go in there and get rid of the outdated, unhealthy, and useless things that are taking up prime real estate in your pantry. Your pantry is your FUEL CLOSET, let it be filled with items that empower your health at all times.
3. Reevaluate your household cleaners and chemicals
There are chemicals all around us, and we don’t need to add any extra ones into our world. The perfect scenario is to decrease them as much as you can in those areas that you control. Your home is one of those areas, so become more conscientious as to what you use to clean. Did you know that white vinegar kills 99% of all bacteria and viruses? Combine that with baking soda and you have a super cleaner for the entire home, without any chemicals at all. Read more about the toxic load here.
4. UnPlug, UnPlug, UNPLUG!
You are surrounded by so many LIVE people and places, amazing events, entertainment, and experiences to learn from. Unless you have an emergency to stay vigilant about, or something of the such, experience the world around you first. It’s challenging enough with the type of addictive behavior that is brought about by an electronic device, but then there are the EMFs that can lead to cancer, as well as a myriad of other conditions. In our quest for everything healthy, let’s decrease these exposures, and use our electronic devices in a better way, and when truly needed.
5. Move your body, lift heavy things, and break a sweat as often as you can
Recognize, I didn’t say go to the gym, I said MOVE! We all have our schedules of stuff, let movement be a part of your day-to-day, and incorporate it wherever you can. This, in combination with a structured exercise program, will increase your health, strength, and energy. A lot of positives with no negatives, so get a move on!! Here are some workouts with me, if you need a bit of a push.
Your health is that one commodity that you have full control over, go for a profit!
Take your health seriously, and do what you can to naturally increase your energy and boost your immune system. Everything you do today will affect you tomorrow, so choose a few health enhancers and call it a day!
Need Help discovering your SuperPowers? Reach out to me for a FREE Consultation.
or purchase one of my books HERE
With Peace, Love, and Health,
Please don’t forget to SHARE this with all your peeps, we have to spread the LOVE, Thank You!
©Copyright 2023, Adita Lang. Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition. She is available for Coaching and Public Speaking.
For questions or booking, please email her at
For recipes, lifestyle tips, and more visit her at
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