Every year so many people use the beginning of a new year to make a change, but what does that really mean? If health is your focus this year, then it’s time to get serious! No longer is it only about exercise or weight loss, it’s about creating a well-rounded foundation for health and longevity. How do you plan on starting this journey?
Here are a few of my thoughts to get you on track for success:
1. You cannot go cold turkey, it just doesn’t work
They have tons of research on this as it relates to addiction, and guess what?? Most of us are addicted to our unhealthy food choices, which is why it seems so horrible to get on the right path. But amazingly enough once you start to feel different and look different; it’s a pretty cool thing. Here’s your first task, Drink More Water! Your goal is 8-10 glasses of water per day, basically (as strange as this sounds) you want your urine to be clear!
2. Start to sweat every day
You can take a class or go to the gym, but you could also put a little more power into your everyday chores, such as house cleaning, gardening, impromptu dancing and more. Park further away from where you’re going or even put a little pep into your step. The goal is to sweat, each day!
3. Let’s work on eliminating those terrible tyrants that put weight on our bodies
Now I’m not telling you stop these all together, what I would like you to do is become more aware that these are the bad guys and see if you could cut down your current portions to at least half. So what are these horrible menaces….Sugar, Flour, Dairy and Alcohol! Yup, the center of all processed foods, I know that this is the hardest thing for anyone to do, but again, I’m only asking you to take note and work on cutting these down to half of what you are now eating. You can do it!
4. Let’s try replacing what you have cut out from #3 with fruits or vegetables
I’m not going to be picky right now, chose whichever you wish or even a combination of your favorites. You can even blend them up into a smoothie if that makes them go down smoother.
5. In the privacy of your own home let’s try to add in the following exercises with 2 sets of 10 repetitions, 2 times per week:
a. Push-ups – Try these off a wall or on the floor from either your knees or toes
b. Squats – This is basically sitting down on a chair, and the minute your tush hits the seat, stand right back up
c. Crunches – Lying on the floor with your knees bent and your feet off the floor, hands behind the head (but only to hold the weight of your head), now tighten your abdominals so tight that they lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor
d. Lunges – Step one leg out in front so that when you bend both knees and lower your body, both knees have a 90 degree bend. Lift and lower yourself only on one side for 10, then switch to the other side.
6. Sleep is such an important commodity for both weight loss and longevity
Your room needs to be pitch dark, cover up all those LED lights and anything else that peaks through from your gadgets. Next, work on creating a sleep ritual so that you’re out like a light! There’re some wonderful teas out there, move your action packed shows for earlier in the evening, and read a bit before bed – whatever works.
When setting goals, it’s all about taking one step at a time. It’s one thing to talk about a goal and it’s another to write it down with a full plan of action. Decide which things you want to tackle first, create measurable steps to get you there, and create a few rewards to entice you to meet those steps head on. You can do this, and just think of the wonderful enhancements your body will receive for your efforts – It’s a Win-Win situation!
In Peace, Love, and Health
I am always here to help, so if you would like to set a virtual meeting, send me a note and let’s make it happen. info@Aditalang.com

With Peace, Love, and Health,
Don’t forget to SHARE this with all your peeps, we need to spread the love. Thank You!
©Copyright 2023, Adita Lang. Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition. She is available for Coaching and Public Speaking.
For questions or booking, please email her at info@AditaLang.com.
For recipes, lifestyle tips, and more visit her at www.AditaLang.com.
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