Are you counting calories, macros, and so much more?
Authorities have encouraged us to count just about everything, on the quest for ultimate health. If you feel the urge to count something, start counting CHEMICALS, if you really want to be healthy.
Manufacturers have become ingenious, hiring all these specialist that create flavors, stop mold, and keep the foods fresh, way past your lifetime. The chemical cocktails that are placed in our foods, slow down our brain, make us fat, and encourage more disease than you can imagine.
Foods in their natural, unaltered state, offers us the highest nutrition, the least amount of calories, and serve a health purpose for the body.
The ONLY time you need to count calories is when your food plan include manufactured and processed foods. These are the ones that will add weight to your body.
When foods are manufactured and/or processed, they lose some of their initial nutrients, and they also lose their enzymes. These enzymes, in particular, allow the body to breakdown and digest all the wonderful nutrition that they provide. These guys are really important, but they are only available in raw foods, or foods cooked at a temperature of less than 105 degrees.
When you have food that has been altered, in any way, manufacturers have to add in preservatives, colors, and anything else to “tantalize your taste buds”. Let alone, you really won’t digest it the right way, so most of it will be stored as fat, even though it claims to have zero grams of fat.
Ugh, this food thing can become complicated, it you let it.
Here’s to your Health!
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©Copyright 2023, Adita Lang. Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition. She is available for Coaching and Public Speaking.
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