Ever wonder what all those things are on the food label that we can’t pronounce?
My first professor, in nutrition, at the University of Miami once said it best… “if you can’t pronounce it and you don’t know what it is, DON’T EAT IT! ”
Now, with years of education behind me, I stand to that statement 100%. If I can encourage you to do anything, read the food labels. You will be amazed at what you find.
I was reading the label of a popular sandwich bread – 75 ingredients. You know what… I love to cook, and bread is pretty simple, yeast, flour, and water. Why is it that we need 75 ingredients? Companies add in all sorts of “things” to tantalize our taste buds, cut costs, make it look fresh, and create addictions.
Yes, I did say addictions. Corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, and white table sugar have all been compared to the addictive effects of cocaine. Let alone, all the health issues that come along with consuming these things. If you look at the labels carefully, you will see many ingredients that you shouldn’t eat, let alone, give them to your children. Most manufactured foods that are geared to our youth, contain as many preservatives and additives as possible. They want to hook your family in, and then they help you rationalize it, by telling you that it’s fortified with all the essential vitamins and minerals your family will need.
FYI – fortified means that all the initial nutrients of the grains, seeds, etc. in the product, were stripped away with processing, then they added synthetically deriving replicas to compensate.
The body doesn’t recognize synthetically derived nutrients often. Choosing foods that are fortified or enhanced would only offer beneficial nutrition if the body was in dire need.
On another note, preservatives are used to keep foods from decay, or any appearance of decay, for years after the original nutrition has evaporated away. The food will look, smell, and feel great, yet the nutrition disappeared years prior, leaving only empty calories as the prize.
Sodium Benzoate has been shown to cause hypersensitivity in asthma sufferers. Additionally when combined with vitamin C, as in canned tomatoes, in turns into carcinogen benzene – which has a direct correlation to cancer
Sodium Benzoate has been shown to cause hypersensitivity in asthma sufferers. Additionally. when combined with vitamin C, as in canned tomatoes, in turns into carcinogen benzene – which has a direct correlation to cancer.
Sodium Nitrite can react with proteins or cooking in high heats to form carcinogenic agents.
Titanium Dioxide is used in paints and sunscreens and also salad dressings, creamers, and icing. Unfortunately, titanium is mined with substances that contain toxic lead.
Butylated Hydroxy Anisole (BHA) is found in beer, crackers, cereals, butter, and most foods with added fats. This preservative has been listed by The Department of Health and Human Services as “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen”
Bottom line…Manufacturers want to gain your business in any way how. Read the labels and keep the ingredient list as pure and identifiable as possible. It all goes back to the health of you and your family. Food is the fuel that our bodies need to operate on a daily basis. Food also creates our foundation of health, choose the right foods and your health will prosper for years to come.
In Peace, Love, and Health,
Please be sure to connect with me via social @AditaLang.com. SHARE this blog with those who you think will benefit, I am here to help!
©Copyright 2023, Adita Lang. Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition. She is available for Coaching and Public Speaking.
For questions or booking, please email her at info@AditaLang.com.
For recipes, lifestyle tips, and more visit her at www.AditaLang.com.
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