We have a new year here, front and center, what are your goals? I see it every year, many of the same goals keep coming back year after year, but for whatever reason there’s something that tends to stop us from really reaching those goals the way we should. Your health is that thing that will propel you to success beyond words. You work so hard to make a living, to have a career, or to follow your passion, but yet if you’re not energized and lean your successes will be short-lived.
Let’s take this year a little further this time, create a plan to make changes that are actually gonna stay with you for a lifetime, put your health at the forefront, and I would like to help you. Here are my top five tips for you to kick start the new year, let’s give these a try, and if you get stuck send me an email I will write back (info@AditaLang.com):
1. Decrease your sugars to only one per meal
Keep in mind… it’s not just sugar, it’s flour, dairy, and alcohol as well. So make your choice, if you want a sandwich, that’s fine but don’t add cheese. If you choose the bread, then don’t drink the sugary soft drink. This is where choices are key, you chose the bread so fill the sandwich with veggies and quality protein, you can even have a bit of fruit on the side as a sweet treat.
2. Get your body moving
That old adage of parking the car further so you have to walk, is actually a good one. Use the stairs and get your exercise minutes in throughout your day. Every time you increase your heart rate, even a little, and break out to a bit of a sweat, you actually kick start your metabolism. The more your metabolism is running throughout the day, the more calories you burn doing your ordinary tasks, and that is awesome!
3. There’s no replacement for water, water is water
The purpose of drinking something is actually for hydration it’s not just to spike up your energy or give you flavor, these are the things society has told us, and actually provides so many calories that it’s totally not worth it. Drink your water and a lot of it. The more hydrated you are during your day the more calories you burn when you exercise or move your body around town.
4. Watch those hunger pains
If you get to your next meal starving, that means that the proportions of your carbohydrates, proteins, and quality fats are not up to par. Look back at your earlier meal and consciously decide how you could’ve made it better. Then, for your next meal, you should be right on track. When you get to your next meal famished, this is when you are more likely to eat all those things that you shouldn’t be eating in the first place. The funny thing is that it’s really not about calories, it’s about the proportions of your carbohydrates, proteins, and quality fats!
5. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, lift heavy things!
The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you burn doing ordinary things, drop down and do some push-ups, maybe throw in a few squats while you’re brushing your teeth, and then somewhere in your day make it to the gym. It doesn’t have to be for hours, just a few minutes of a couple of simple exercises will actually increase your muscle tissue and make you a calorie burning machine.
At the end of the day, you really need to want it! I see so many people trying to lose weight because they think others would like them better, or they’re doing it for their spouse, or some other silly excuse. Your health and your weight are 100% your responsibility, and you are the only person who can really want it bad enough to make a change. If you have been struggling with this, as so many I work with have, take a little time out this new year and journal a bit and reevaluate what has been blocking you from taking the steps necessary to make your health a priority. Like I said earlier, feel free to email me, I work with clients virtually accross the globe, and I would really like to help you reach your goals for this year, because I know you can do it!
With Love and Light,
I am always here to help, so if you would like to set a virtual meeting, send me a note and let’s make it happen. info@Aditalang.com

With Peace, Love, and Health,
Don’t forget to SHARE this with all your peeps, we need to spread the love. Thank You!
©Copyright 2023, Adita Lang. Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition. She is available for Coaching and Public Speaking.
For questions or booking, please email her at info@AditaLang.com.
For recipes, lifestyle tips, and more visit her at www.AditaLang.com.
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