As you all know, I have been a bit obsessed with #SUPERPOWERS. This journey has taken place through different facets of my life.
For many of us, each obstacle simply makes us stronger and more aware, it all depends on how you look at it.
In 1988, at the brink of my fitness career, I broke my back in a car accident. Actually, I cracked one vertebra and compressed two, leaving me 2 inches shorter, and for this vertically challenged girl, that was a lot! I had 2 choices, wallow in self-pity or make the best of it. I chose the latter, and my newfound expertise in back strengthening and care was born.
Later on, in 2005 my pelvic floor took a nose dive. I was completely clueless as to why, but now in retrospect, I am sure my back injury, and life itself, brought it tumbling down. From 2006 to 2016, I gave birth to 2 amazing kids and was challenged with 5 surgeries and multiple alternative treatments to reignite those muscles, and place everything back where it belonged. Once again I was left with choices, and once again I chose to use these challenges to strengthen my knowledge of female health and female empowerment.
Then in 2018, I was 8 months post-divorce and 4 months post-death of the most amazing man in my life, my dad. These challenges showed me how important self-care really is, who truly has your back, and how anything is possible with the right intention and focus.
They say that vulnerability empowers us, and so here is where my SuperPower journey evolved. We are all blessed with so many amazing gifts, but life distracts us from even recognizing our true potential. For whatever reason, we become blinded by other people’s perceptions of ourselves, and we begin to believe them.
Only YOU know who you are, your likes, dislikes, and so much more.
Every day, I deal with so many individuals looking to change their health and well-being, and every day I look into many of their eyes, to see a person struggling to be so much to so many, without recognizing that the first person they need to cater to is themselves.
My first objective with many of my clients is to coach them to find themselves.
Your SuperPowers come from your amazing gifts. They begin to shine and flourish, once you recognize those gifts and nurture them. Sometimes we’re on, we know where we are and where we are going, without any credence to naysayers and passersby. For others, they are living for everyone but themselves, and that is where health challenges start to come up.
You control your health and well-being, and that also includes your weight, energy, and even happiness.
We hide in our food, and lack motivation because we are unsettled in our current skin. We are stuck being that person that so many think we are and should be. Today I want you to take a moment and write down those things that inspire you, give you a “happy high” or simply ignite your energy centers. Post it someplace that you can see it every day, and make yourself a pledge to do something specifically for YOU each and every day.
When you hit a bump in the road, remember you have choices. Take the best choice that gives you the most fulfillment, and I promise it will show you a whole new light… Your SuperPowers are yours, and yours alone!
Need Help discovering your SuperPowers? Reach out to me for a FREE Consultation, HERE

With Peace, Love, and Health,
Don’t forget to SHARE this with all your peeps, Thank You!
©Copyright 2023, Adita Lang. Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition. She is available for Coaching and Public Speaking.
For questions or booking, please email her at
For recipes, lifestyle tips, and more visit her at

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