Halloween is just around the corner and with that comes an array of candy and sugar “highs.” We have created a marketing icon for the candy industry and our children are sucked right into it. Most of the packaged candies are made with Corn Syrup and High Fructose Corn Syrup which contribute to high cholesterol, heart disease, and inhibits our immune defenses for up to 4 hours. Most people love candy, we savor it, and devour it, but we don’t have to teach that philosophy to our tots – if you don’t make it so appealing, they won’t find it that appealing.
So what is a parent to do? For starters, think about the message you are sending your kids and start to provide those that come to your door with a healthier treat alternative. Now a days there are some pretty good organic candies that are manufactured with a healthier form of sugar and juice. But better yet are the boxes of raisins, packages of granola, or small nutritional bars that are wonderful treats to give out. As for your “Trick or Treater”, feed them before they hit the streets, give them a good meal of high quality protein and fat to make sure they leave your house full and stay that way for a while. Now they may sample their treats, but won’t be obsessed to consume it all. Then, once they get home, have some of their favorite healthy snacks available so that they satisfy themselves with that before they get too involved in their bag of goodies. For the days to come, get the bag of candy “OUT OF THE HOUSE”, there is no need for it, there is definitely no nutritional benefit to it, and all it will do is elevate the temperament of your child and inhibit their ability to learn. Teach your child to enjoy “a treat” without having it disrupt their nutritional basis.

In Peace, Love, and Health, Adita
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©Copyright 2016, Adita Lang Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition, both through Coaching and Public Speaking. Feel free to email me: Adita@NutritionalBrilliance.com
For past Livets®, recipes, and more visit me at www.MyLivet.com or www.AditaLang.com
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