Are you Done Dieting Yet?

How many diets have you been on during your entire life?

And... from those diets, how many of them gave you the results that you can see TODAY? Be honest.... For most, dieting is almost like a hobby, lose 10 pounds today, gain back 15 tomorrow,...

All Sugars are NOT Created Equal

Have you ever wondered why your belly seems to bear the brunt of your weight struggles? It’s frustrating when all your hard work doesn’t seem to be paying off, and that stubborn abdominal fat just won’t go away.The culprit? Excess sugar in your daily diet—and...

The Fitness of Everyday Activities

The human body was designed to move, and move a lot!

But here we are in an age where convenience is royalty, and the easier things can flow, the better. Unfortunately, that doesn't help our...

Inflammation Overload

Why is everyone talking about INFLAMMATION?

I find it curious how every product on the market, be it good, bad, or indifferent, comes with an array of solutions and/or contraindications. Many times it never truly addresses the root cause of an issue or challenge.

Taking It One Day at a Time

Do you ever feel overwhelmed?

Who doesn’t in this day and age? Life is on a fast pace 24/7, and we can’t seem to feel settled at any given time. Not to mention,...

Stop the Yo-Yo, 5 Tricks for Permanent Weight Loss

How many diets will it take? I have recently written a lot about this subject because I am constantly coaching individuals who have dieted ...ALL OF THEIR LIVES! Please Stop! You are an amazing person, unfortunately, you have chosen food as your drug of choice. All you...

Health + Success = Abundance

Do you feel Abundant?

This has nothing to do with money, really, it simply is a feeling we hold internally. In my career, I have been blessed to work with Fortune 500 executives, moguls, and...
Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough!

As we enter October, it's a great time to reflect on the health goals we set at the beginning of the year. Whether your objective was to eat healthier, exercise more, or reduce stress, October offers a perfect opportunity to assess your progress. Have you...