Come on, let’s face it, every year we stress ourselves out to create this list of things we want to change for the New Year. Maybe some things get done, and the rest gets pushed to the side, with our old habits coming back full force…because that is our normal.
If you REALLY wanted to change, or maybe you REALIZED it would be for the best, then you have to create steps to make the NEW HABITS the NORM.
I am on a crusade to help as many as I can to realize the consequences of eating for comfort, living day to day in a dehydrated state, and rationalizing that walking around the house is not an exercise.
Maybe this isn’t as glamorous as all of these “New Years Resolution Quick Fixes” that have come online. Well, that’s not my goal. My goal isn’t to tell you what to do, my goal is to coach you to start to make subtle changes that will affect your day, month, and ultimately, your year.
The madness has to stop, for once it’s time to make changes that actually affect how you feel for the long run.
Here are my top 5 habits to make 2022 the healthiest year yet…
It is time to focus on your Immune System
We are living in some crazy times, your immune system is more valuable now than ever before. Sugar, flour, dairy, and alcohol are all treated as a sugar by the body. In order to metabolize these sugars, the body has to elicit help from nutrients that maintain our immune system. This places the immune system on a time-out until the sugars are digested and metabolized….MINIMIZE YOUR SUGARS ON A DAILY BASIS.
Movement and exercise can go hand-in-hand
If you can’t make it to the gym, or maybe you don’t like going – simply add in activities throughout the day that elevate your heart rate…walk faster, use the stairs, turn on the music to house clean, add in a few squats before breakfast, and squeeze it in throughout the day. This burns calories, turns on the metabolism, and gives you exercise minutes that actually count for the week.
Wake up feeling refreshed.
Are you one of those that needs to hit the snooze button a few times? Research shows that the more you do this the foggier your brain is for the first half of your day. Maybe you don’t know better, maybe you have lived this way all of your life, well guess what? You can wake up refreshed, clearer headed, and more energized than you are now if you place a bit of effort into reorganizing your nighttime routine. You should wake up refreshed and ready to go!
Re-evaluate who you spend your time with.
Life is too short to have a few downers as friends. The people you surround yourself with, help to create your mood, perspective, and your overall perception of your day, month, and year. Do you want a happy life? Hang out with happy, motivating, and inspired individuals. It’s okay to let go of friends and family when needed – your happiness is much more important!
Start your day off right
How you start your day can directly affect the rest of your day. Give yourself the time to eat a good breakfast, drink water, move, and meditate. Whatever it takes to leave the house feeling positive, strong, and energized each and every day!!
That’s all I have for now, at the end of the day, or year for that matter, your energy, mood, and health is all up to you. You can’t wait until next year, life doesn’t work that way. Make 2022 YOUR YEAR to be the healthiest version of YOU, to introduce habits that will last a lifetime, and to live an inspired life as a role model to the world!!
Please be sure to connect with me via social @AditaLang. SHARE this blog with those who you think will benefit, I am here to help!
©Copyright 2023, Adita Lang. Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition. She is available for Coaching and Public Speaking.
For questions or booking, please email her at
For recipes, lifestyle tips, and more visit her at
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