Stress is like an onion; you must peel off one layer at a time.
The idea is to make your workspace flow in such a manner that many of your daily tasks can happen seamlessly. My goal is to help chisel away at the variables that add stress to our days. Working from home has employees adapting their office practices. This creates less than ideal ergonomics for the body during work hours and beyond.
Poor ergonomics will lead to stress surges throughout the neck, back, and hips.
Imagine being in the zone, on a project, with the end in sight. What if towards the end, your back gives out? Typically, pain from mild to severe, takes over our thought process, creativity goes out the door and stress comes charging in. Setting yourself up physically for success removes one layer of unnecessary stress to your day.
How do you accomplish this?
Here’s my Top Five Factors for making your workspace your power center:
1. Feet flat on the floor, knees bent at 90 degrees, hips slightly elevated.
2. Ears should line up with shoulders and hips. Spine curvature should be supported with a pillow or ergonomic chair.
3. Navel should line up with the letter B on the keyboard, enabling elbows to bend at 90 degrees, and hands to comfortably rest over the keys.
4. Eyes should line up with the top edge of the monitor screen, helping to keep ears right above shoulders.
5. Don’t forget to move! Ideally you should get up and move for 5-minutes each hour. For efficiency’s sake, take those 5-minutes and throw in a few exercises. Just think, at the end of an 8-hour day, you would have also accomplished a 40-minute workout! These bouts of movement help to reduce physical discomforts, ramp up metabolism, and reset the mind to think clearly and with fresh eyes.
You should not feel drained from how you sit and move in your day (unless your a construction worker and that’s another story). Setting yourself up for success WILL impact your entire day, ergonomics is real!
Need more tips for your workspace?
©Copyright 2023, Adita Lang. Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition. She is available for Coaching and Public Speaking.
For questions or booking, please email her at
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