Body weight and health habits all come from one root factor…what we learned from our parents. “You are growing an adult from scratch”, you are giving them the basis for how they view and use food for the rest of their lives.
In other words, if you use certain foods as a reward, they will use food as a reward when they are an adult.
If you spend your days counting calories, they too will count calories and for a developing child calories really don’t matter as long as the food choices are nutritional powerhouses.
The way you and your family members eat and use food has a huge impact on your kids TODAY and TOMORROW. The bottom line is that you are 100% responsible for your child’s weight and health until they “move out of your house and buy their own groceries”.
No matter what you have been through with weight, health, or lifestyle issues you have a wonderful opportunity right now to make an impact on how your child will flourish for years to come.
I realize the challenges of feeding your child the right kinds of food, but you can’t get lazy.
Today they like something and tomorrow they don’t, that is OK, just keep trying with other things and flavors. It’s a matter of getting creative, having patience, and keeping an array of healthy staples that you can always come back to. At our house I can always come back to avocado, kale, sweet potatoes, and chicken. I have to admit, there are some weeks that there is little creativity, but yet these foods are eaten over and over again. You can’t go wrong with a few healthy items that become your mainstay; you can go wrong if those “mainstays” are packaged and processed items.
Most children pack on the ppounds with too many SUGARS. This is not just sugar, it’s Sugar, Flour, and Dairy. In other words, mac and cheese is broken down and digested by the body as a sugar. if those calories are not utilized for immediate energy, they are stored as fat. Not to mention, sugar is addictive and as they get older alcohol will get added into the mix. The key is providing our children with the right health foundation to last a lifetime!
CLICK HERE for some kid friendly treats to make
In Peace, Love, and Health, Adita
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©Copyright 2023, Adita Lang. Adita Lang works with individuals and groups to maximize their health through exercise and nutrition. She is available for Coaching and Public Speaking.
For questions or booking, please email her at
For recipes, lifestyle tips, and more visit her at
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